10 Steps To Effective, Better Parenting

Jane D. Hull has rightly said, “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”
Parenting is indeed a beautiful and novel task and extremely satiating to the core. However, handling a baby can sometimes be a little problematic and annoying for parents especially the first time moms and dads.
No hassles! Here are some easy tips to follow and sail smoothly through this beautiful phase of your life’s journey.

10 Steps to effective, better parenting

    1. Nurture your child’s self esteem-

      Children cultivate a sense of their own self as they visualize themselves via your eyes. Things like your body language, voice tone, and every expression of yours is very crucial in shaping the personality of your child. Keep in mind that every emotion and expression that your display is promptly absorbed by your baby. The development of your child is affected by both what you say and how you say. Your actions and words influence the development of your child’s self esteem and prestige.
      Acknowledging and praising your child’s minor achievements cultivate a sense of pride in your child. This makes him confident, bold and intrepid. He is more independent in facing the world. On the contrary, by belittling you child or unnecessary comparison with others makes him feel insignificant and worthless.
      While dealing with your child, choose words very carefully and compassionately. Let him realize that you love him a lot and whether anyone likes him or not you are always there to support

    2. Catch your child being good-

      Try to act positively with your child. Your negative behavior, frequent criticism, and constant demoralization adversely bring down your child’s esteem.
      Did you ever ponder how many times you acted negatively to your baby in a day? Whenever you find your child doing something praiseworthy say good things about him without the slightest hesitation. Make him feel as if he is the best child in the world, which he is and will always be for his parents. Give him chocolates, candies hugs and compliments as they can do wonders in boosting his morale

    3. Set limits and be firm with your discipline-

      Be disciplined and little rigid in your household. Discipline is vital in aiding the children adopt the acceptable social behaviors. Household disciplinary rules include doing homework properly; avoiding name calling, hitting and teasing others are all socially unacceptable conduct. A disciplined family will have a positive and a life long effect of the child – discipline is something that stays

  • Be a good role model-

    Children learn a lot form how their parents behave and act with others. The young children are more prone in picking cues from your behavior.
    Avoid shouting and behaving angrily in front of kids as they are also going to behave in a similar manner. You are a role model for your kids and they watch you constantly. So behave properly and decently

    1. Take out time for your children-

      Owing to the busy and hectic schedules, it is seen that parents often hardly spend any quality time with their baby. Have a breakfast or a meal together is also a luxury in this age of speeding life. Parents must make time for the child, have outings, ensure you have atleast one meal a day together, go on walks, vacations etc and see your relationship bloom. Spending even a few minutes everyday with your child can do miracles for your child. Your company enhances his confidence and improves his personality. It is seen that kids not getting adequate attention from their parents misbehave more often and are more aggressive

    2. Make mutual communication a priority-

      There are times when children do not follow what you want them to do. Be patient in such situations and try to give them simple explanations and reasons as to why you want them to do.
      You can also ask your child to suggest a solution for a problem. This creates a sense of responsibility and involvement in them. Remember kids participating in making decisions are more encourage din carrying them out.

    3. Be flexible and ready to adjust your parenting style-

      Do not feel ‘let down’ if your child does not meet up to your expectations. Environment plays an important role in how your child behaves and reacts to you. For example if you want your child needs to avoid a particular thing and your constant ‘No’ to her is not serving the desired purpose, you can restructure the surroundings and remove things that you do not want the child to touch. This will mitigate frustrations for both you and the baby

    4. Show your love is unconditional-

      Your child requires proper guidance and being a parent it is your utmost duty to correct him wherever and whenever needed. Refrain from criticizing, blaming and finding faults in him as these can deteriorate his self esteem. Rather try to motivate, encourage and nurture confidence in him. For example if he is insisting on buying a particular toy , do not shrug him off rudely, instead tell him that he already has a lot of them and buying another would be just futile. Tell him that your love for him is unconditional and buying toys is a sheer waste of money and if still he wants buy the toy!

  1. Be aware of your own needs and limitations as a parent-

    Find out whether you are a good parent and if you are an imperfect parent, face the truth! Everyone has weaknesses and strengths, find out your abilities and improve upon your weaknesses. Harbor positive and realistic expectations and make parenting an easy and manageable task. Read, talk, and take ideas from fellow parents. Identify, introspect, and improve. Instead of improving all areas work on the most essential ones first and then improvise the rest

  2. Have faith in your child-

    Build confidence and faith in your child’s abilities and do not hesitate in expressing it to him. For example if he is weak in studies, encourage him and tell him that you now he can easily learn his lessons. If he tells you something, instead of dismissing his statements, probe him further and tell him that your trust him but you need to know other facts as well

It is imperative for parents to have a good relationship with their children, the absence of which affects the personality and behavior of the kids. Effective parenting will promote intellectual learning in your children, which will motivate them and they will have the desire to achieve. It also keeps your child at bay from developing behavioral problems like eating disorders, anxiety, drugs and anti social behavior because they know good from bad. Good parents must be open to adapt new styles of parenting, should not be too loving or too strict, and should be involved in their child’s life to foster nurtured, loved and socially responsible adults.

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