Brighe’s Journey: Poor dog abandoned, without food, only skin and bones, weak and unable to stand

Look at those eyes. Brighe did not deserve what happened to her. Her owners claimed she ran away on Halloween of 2020 and had been missing ever since. But when they were reunited with her, she was in critical condition, unable to stand or walk on her own. Her owners surrendered her to a rescue organization, unable to provide the care she needed.

It was clear to the rescue team that Brighe’s condition was not due to being a stray on her own for too long. She had been intentionally starved by someone who knew what they were doing. Her refeeding had to be done painstakingly slowly to avoid organ failure. But Brighe fought hard, and after several days in the hospital, she was finally able to eat on her own.

With each passing day, Brighe made progress. She gained weight and began to walk on her own. Her foster family provided her with the love and care she needed to heal, and slowly but surely, Brighe’s sweet nature and forgiving spirit began to shine through.

And then came the day that Brighe had been waiting for – the day she got to go home. She settled into her foster home well, playing with toys and enjoying her meals every four hours. Her progress was nothing short of remarkable, and soon she was up to daily walks and even working on her leash manners.

But Brighe’s journey wasn’t over yet. After 62 days of healing, she was finally adopted by a loving family who welcomed her with open arms. Brighe now has a new sister and a mom and dad who are over the moon excited to make her part of their family. With each passing day, Brighe continues to show her strength and resilience, proving that even after enduring unimaginable cruelty, love and forgiveness can prevail. Brighe’s journey is a reminder that every dog deserves a chance at a happy and healthy life, and that with the right care and support, even the most broken souls can heal and thrive.

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